About Us
Scientific Steering Committee
OncologyEducation Scientific Steering Committee (the “Steering Committee”) was launched January 2021 with a mandate to advise on and implement world-class oncology education for the global market.
The Steering Committee constitutes a group of global thought leaders in the oncology field, chaired by Dr. Scott Berry, founder of OncologyEducation.

Canadian Committee Members Include:
- Scott Berry | BSc, MD, MHSc, FRCPC | Toronto
- Sharlene Gill | MD, MPH, MBA, FASCO | Vancouver
- Daniel Heng | MD, MPH, FRCPC | Calgary
- Christine Simmons | MD, MSc. FRCPC | Vancouver
- Martina Trinkaus | MD, FRCPC | Toronto
- Dr. Jean-Pierre Ayoub | MD, FRCPC | Montreal
Global Committee Members
- Heather McArthur I MD, MPH I Dallas, Texas
- Solange Peters I MD, PhD I Lausanne, Switzerland